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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
BP Oil Spill - Vanderbilt Law Review
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Judge Rakoff rejects SEC - Citigroup Settlement
"Finally, in any case like this that touches on the transparency of our financial markets whose gyrations have so depressed our economy and debilitated our lives, there is an overriding public interst in knowing the truth. In much of the world, propaganda reigns and truth is confined to secretive, fearful whispers. Even in our nation, apologists for suppressing or obscuring the truth may always be found. But the SEC, of all agencies, has a duty, inherent in its statutory mission, to see that truth emerges; and if it fails to do so, this Court must not, in the name of deference or convenience, grant judicial enforcement to the agency's contrivances."
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
NY Top Court Reshapes Auto Accident Law - NY Personal Injury Blog
"Last month I wrote about three cases being argued in New York’s Court of Appeals that had the potential to reshape the entire face of auto accident litigation and the definition of “serious injury.” That decision has now come down, and it reverses growing trends in the lower appellate courts that had thrown out cases as a matter of law if they didn’t have a doctor to show a “contemporaneous” loss of motion, to come within the “serious injury” threshold for the No-Fault law. The courts were refusing to allow juries to act as fact finders.Unless you are intimately familiar with the subject — and why this is one of the biggest decisions in auto litigation in years — you should read this post first and then return: Court of Appeals Hears Argument On “Serious Injury” in NY Auto Cases (What Should They Do?). In fact, I didn’t just write about this last month, but 13 months ago when I speculated in Perl v. Maher that this issue would come to a head. And two years ago I drew quite similar conclusions to today’s decision.So yes, I’ve been watching this awhile, as has the entire personal injury bar. Because this is very, very big."
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Review of Snigda Prakash’s All the Justice Money Can Buy, a Book on the Vioxx Tort Litigation | Rodger Citron | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Financial Finger-Pointing Turns to Regulators - NYTimes.com
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99%'ers line up outside failed IndyMac bank whose failure cost taxpayers billions |
"In the whodunit of the financial crisis, Wall Street executives have pointed the blame at all kinds of parties — consumers who lied on their mortgage applications, investors who demanded access to risky mortgage bonds, and policy makers who kept interest rates low and failed to predict a housing market collapse.'via Blog this'
But a new defense has been mounted by a bank executive: my regulator told me to do it."
Department of Justice Challenges Utah’s Immigration Law
"Department of Justice Challenges Utah’s Immigration Law
Several Provisions Interfere with Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law
WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice today challenged Utah’s immigration law, which comes after recent lawsuits in Arizona, Alabama and South Carolina. "
In a complaint, filed in the District of Utah, the department states that several provisions of Utah’s H.B. 497 are preempted by federal law. The provisions were enacted on March, 15, 2011.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Merck Agrees to Pay $950 Million in Vioxx Case - NYTimes.com
The agency said Merck will pay $321.6 million in criminal fines and $628.4 million as a civil settlement agreement. It will plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge that it marketed Vioxx as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis before getting Food and Drug Administration approval.
Among other things the Department of Justice charged that false claims about the safety and effectiveness of Vioxx caused Medicare and Medicaid to pay for drugs that they would not have bought but for the misrepresentation.
Merck stopped selling Vioxx in 2004 after evidence showed the drug doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke. In 2007, the company paid $4.85 billion to settle around 50,000 Vioxx-related lawsuits."
Merck's misconduct also led to a 2008 $650 million settlement of charges that Merck failed to pay rebates owed to Medicare and Medicaid, and made illegal payments to providers to induce them to prescribe Zocor Vioxx. Those were qui tam actions brought by whistleblowers.
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Lincoln, Slavery and the Kansas-Nebraska Act
I mentioned in class today that the common law tradition radically unites property and personal liberty (and has a weak conception of the common good). To illustrate the power of the liberty point; and that American slavery exposed American claims of liberty as hypocritical here are two passages from Abraham Lincoln in the book I am reading at the moment: The Fiery Trial - Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery by Eric Foner.
Both come from a long speech in 1854 - denouncing Stephen Douglas and the Kansas Nebraska Act - which permitted settlers to decide whether slavery should be allowed in the Territory. - GWC
“This declared indifference, but as I must think, covert zeal for the spread of slavery I cannot but hate. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world - enables the enemies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites - causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity, and especially because it forces so many really good men amongst ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil liberty - criticising the Declaration of Independence, and insisting that there is no right principle of action but self-interest.”
“The dotrine of self government is right - absolutely and eternally right - but it has no just application...Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such just application depends upon whether a negro is not or is a man...If the negro is a man, is it not to that extent, a total destruction of self-government to say that he too shall not govern himself? When the white man governs himself that is self-government; but when he governs himself, and also governs another man...that is despotism. If the negro is a man, why then my ancient faith teaches me that `all men are created equal’; and that there can be no moral right in one man’s making a slave of another.”
Elizabeth Warren '76 remembers Rutgers Law years
HERE is the video.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
High Court Drafts Lawyers to Rescue Orphaned Arguments - Law Blog - WSJ
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
Pepper spraying sit-down protesters
42 USC 1983 was passed by the post-civil war Republican Congress to deal with conduct like this. Fortunately it is still on the books. - GWC
Video is HERE
Asbestos collusion 'killed thousands' / Britain / Home - Morning Star
Friday, November 18, 2011
F.D.A. Revokes Approval of Avastin for Use as Breast Cancer Drug - NYTimes.com
Dr. Hamburg’s decision, outlined in a 69-page memorandum, agrees with the unanimous recommendation made by an F.D.A. advisory committee in June, at the end of a two-day hearing at which some women taking the drug pleaded for its continued approval.
"An initial clinical trial that was the basis for the provisional approval showed that Avastin, combined with the drug paclitaxel, which is also known by the brand name Taxol, delayed the progression of disease by about five and a half months, compared to use of paclitaxel alone.
But in subsequent studies, in which Avastin was combined with different chemotherapy drugs, tumor growth was delayed by one to three months. Avastin did not prolong lives at all, nor did it improve quality of life.
Many breast cancer specialists say that Avastin does appear to work very well for some patients, and some advocates have said the drug should be left on the market for the sake of those patients. But Dr. Hamburg said there was no way to determine in advance who those patients were, so many women would use the drug. “The evidence does not justify broad exposure to the risks of this drug,” she wrote."
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
Alabama Legislators Weighing Changes To State's Draconian Immigration Law | ThinkProgress
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Big boost for health care : SCOTUSblog
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F.D.A. Is Urged to Issue More Alerts About Drug Risks - NYTimes.com
by Bruce Japsen
"The process of posting potential safety signals began in the first quarter of 2008 as a result of legislation signed into law the previous year by President George W. Bush. The law, known as the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act, directed the agency to conduct regular screenings of its adverse event reporting database and post quarterly reports online. The legislation was passed in the wake of several high-profile drug scandals, including the increased risks of heart attacks among those taking Vioxx, the painkiller that ultimately was withdrawn from the market.
Dr. Sidney Wolfe. director of health research at the Washington nonprofit group Public Citizen who also sits on a drug safety advisory committee to the F.D.A., said: “For most, if not all, of these drugs, alternative (usually older) drugs with comparable efficacy and more established safety records can be found.”
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Monday, November 14, 2011
Court sets 5 1/2-hour hearing on health care (FINAL) : SCOTUSblog
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More Accusations Surface Involving Penn State Coach - NYTimes.com
“I could say that I have done some of those things,” he said of the accusations against him. “I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual contact.”"
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Christie slams N.J. Supreme Court for fast-tracking challenge to judges' health-benefits law | NJ.com
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Jack Raykovitz, Chief of Second Mile, Resigns Amid Penn State Scandal - NYTimes.com
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
Is Penn State Liable for the Harm Done to Child Sex Abuse Victims?
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Penn State - Nittany Lion shrine |
Penn State's acting President Rodney Erickson has declared his regret to the eight or more victims of the alleged child sex abuse and the leadership's determination to restore the University's honor in the wake of the unfolding sex abuse scandal at its legendary football program. But it will be a long time before 108,000 fans at the stadium can again repeat with full-throated confidence the trademark call and response - WE ARE...PENN STATE".
The tragedy at Penn State has garnered great attention - particularly the university's apparent failure to act effectively to protect young children from Jerry Sandusky - a retired coach alleged to have sexually abused eight boys, some of which acts occurred at the University's football training facility. As I commented the day the Grand Jury's presentment was released it moved me personally because Joe Paterno has been an icon for me and other graduates of my (late, great) Jesuit high school Brooklyn Prep of whose alumni Paterno was among the most illustrious.
Maxwell Kennerly of the Beasley law firm has prepared a good preliminary discussion of the tort liability issues: Can Sandusky's Childhood Sexual Abuse Victims Sue Penn State? Molestation Lawsuit Information
NPR has prepared a Guide to principals and timeline
Those whose acts are most likely to give rise to liability are McQueary and others on the coaching staff, the Athletic Department Director, and the university Vice President for Business. The latter two have been indicted for failure to report the alleged sexual assault to the campus or the state police and for perjury before the grand jury.
Among the issues are those of the credibility of an accuser - Michael McQueary (did he detail to university officials - including Paterno and V.P. Schultz that he actually saw the rape of a 10 year old boy by Sandusky or was his report ambiguous? Did McQueary meet his legal obligation but not his moral obligation, as Gov. Tom Corbett asserted on Meet the press today? That question is equally apt for head coach Joe Paterno.
A major obstacle to university liability may be sovereign immunity. Is the Pennsylvania State University a state agency? The Commonwealth Court has held in Doughty v. City of Philadelphia and Temple University that Temple - a Commonwealth University - is not a state agency. Penn State - a land-grant university - may have the benefit of sovereign immunity as do the colleges in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. In McNichols v. Dept. of Transportation (2002) the immunity doctrine was affirmed by the Commonwealth Court.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011
Fuel Fix » Lawmaker calls on BP to pay oilfield supply workers hurt by drilling ban
Rep. Jeff Landry, R-La., called on the British oil giant to compensate the workers and businesses, who currently are in a kind of legal limbo — ineligible both for payments under the Gulf Coast Claims Facility administered by Kenneth Feinberg and from a now-shuttered $100 million fund BP established for oil rig workers hurt by the spill."
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Medical malpractice reform efforts stalled - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com
In a bid to win support for health reform from skeptical doctors back in 2009, President Barack Obama pledged action on an item near the top of their wish list — malpractice reform.
And he delivered an initial step: $25 million to test alternatives to the medical liability system. That won praise from the American Medical Association, among others. But since then, tort reform on the federal level has been put on ice, a victim of both tight money and bitter politics."
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Judge Blocks Graphic Cigarette Warnings - NYTimes.com
District Judge Richard Leon sided on Monday with tobacco companies and granted a temporary injunction, saying they would likely prevail in their lawsuit challenging the requirement as unconstitutional because it compels speech in violation of the First Amendment."
Leon wrote: "It is abundantly clear from viewing these images that the emotional response they were crafted to induce is calculated to provoke the viewer to quit, or never to start smoking – an objective wholly apart from disseminating purely factual and uncontroversial information."
The opinion and order staying enforcement of the Rule in R.J. Reynolds v. U.S. FDA is HERE.
Floyd Abrams and Prof. Steve Shiffrin debate the issue on NPR HERE
h/t Drug and Device Law Blog
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Hip implant litigation grows
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Richard Meadow of the Lanier Law Firm |
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Ellen Relkin of Weitz Luxenberg |
On May 6, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which regulates medical devices, ordered 21 manufacturers of metal-on-metal hip implants to conduct surveillance on their products and to assess the safety of the devices. DePuy, based in Warsaw, Ind., initiated a voluntary recall of all its ASR devices after fresh data in the United Kingdom indicated that the rate of patients who had to return to surgery within five years — the revision rate — was 12 to 13 percent. That was much higher than the industry standard, according to the FDA. DePuy recalled two devices: The ASR XL acetabular hip system, introduced to the U.S. market in 2005, and the ASR hip-resurfacing system, which was not sold in the United States.
More than 2,200 cases involving the devices are pending in a federal multidistrict proceeding in Toledo, Ohio. Another 1,000 are pending in state courts in California and 160 in New Jersey's state courts.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Merger of Memphis and County School Districts Revives Challenges - NYTimes.com
A bit of the background can be found HERE on Huffington Post
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