Sunday, April 22, 2012

83,000 Gallons Leak Into Bohai Bay, China July 2007

Lay of the Land: Oil Spill: 83,000 Gallons Leak Into Bohai Bay, China: "Two separate incidents occurred in the Peng-Lai 19-3 oil field in Bohai Bay, China on July 4th and 17th, 2011. The first incident of seepage occurred along a natural fault line near the ConocoPhillips platform B. A containment device was put in place to stop the seep, and although a few liters of oil still slip through each day, there are booms in place to collect it as it rises to the surface. The second incident occurred near platform C during drilling operations. Oil and gas bubbles were seen on the surface about 2 miles from the seabed seep near platform B. This was the result of a suspected well blowout, and was capped 48 hours after the initial release. The well was cemented and between both incidents, 83,000 gallons of oil were released into Bohai Bay."

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