Paul Anderson, a plaintiff's lawyer who writes NFL Concussion Litigation blog, says "Basically, the NFL is paying a fee to make the lawyers go away – many of them took the bait. I decided that the fight must go on." Last month Anderson, representing a group of former players (1987-1993) critical of the proposal, filed suit directly against the Kansas City Chiefs. Since Missouri workers comp law does not cover occupational disease claims a tort action against the employer is not barred. The complaint in that action - Cooper, et al v. KC Chiefs - can be found HERE. Since they are all retired players their action presumably conflicts with the proposed class action.
Another group - the Brain Injury Association of America has asked the Court to appoint it as a party amicus to advise the court on fairness, particularly regarding the proposed provision for ongoing medical research. - gwc
The proposed notice to class members summarizes the terms:
$760 Million NFL Concussion Litigation Settlement
Retired NFL Football Players May Be Eligible for Money and Medical Benefits
A federal court authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.
• The National Football League ("NFL") and NFL Properties LLC (collectively "NFL Parties") have agreed to a $760 million Settlement of a class action lawsuit seeking medical monitoring and compensation for brain injuries al1egedly caused by head impacts experienced in NFL footbal1. The NFL Parties deny that they did anything wrong.
• The Settlement inc1udes all retired players of the NFL, the American Football League ("AFL") that merged with the NFL, the World League of American Football, NFL Europe League and NFL Europa League as well as immediate family members of retired players and legal representatives of incapacitated incompetent or deceased retired players.
• The Settlement will provide eligible retired players with:
• Baseline neuropsychological and neurological exams to determine if retired players are: a) currently suffering from any neurocognitive impairment including impairment serious enough for compensation and b) eligible for additional testing and/or treatment ($75 million);
• Monetary awards for diagnoses of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, early and moderate Dementia and certain cases of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) (a neuropathological finding) diagnosed after death ($675 million); and
• Education programs promoting safety and injury prevention with respect to football players including safety-related initiatives in youth football, the education of retired players regarding the NFL' s medical and disability programs and other educational programs and initiatives ($10 million)
• To get money proof that injuries were caused by playing NFL football is not required.
• Settlement Class Members must register to get benefits. Sign up at the website for notification of the registration date.
• Your legal rights are affected even if you do nothing. Please read this Notice carefully.
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